Onyx Elixir: Mixologists and Pirates Book Five Read online
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She glanced at her hands and rubbed her thumb across the scars. Her experiences with Sloven weren’t something she’d soon forget. “So, what do we do?”
“You heal,” Bastian murmured.
“And you alert us to anything that is out of the ordinary,” Kale added, brushing his dark hair away from his handsome face.
“I thought you’d be watching me.”
“We’re not perfect. We’ll do our best to protect you, but we need you to work with us,” Virgil said softly, his wrinkly face creasing deeper as he tried to smile at her.
“So, what you’re saying is that you’ll try,” Jer said flatly, “but you don’t know if you can really keep him from her?”
No one spoke; only the sound of Eve muttering could be heard.
“That’s not good enough,” Jer ground out. “What use are you if you can’t protect her?”
“We’ll do our best,” Lev said evenly.
“You damn well better! You’re the ones who put her in danger.” Jer hopped off the medical table and stepped up to Lev. “You better fix this.”
“As if you could do better, Human,” Lev scoffed.
Jer’s fingers curled into fists as she took another step closer.
Coal stepped smoothly between them and held his hands out, his palm brushing both Lev’s and Jer’s shoulders. “Allie will be fine. Let’s just calm down.”
“You better get your hand off of me,” Jer growled.
“I’d listen to the lady,” Elijah said, moving to stand behind Jer like a wall of Kiterran muscle.
Allie watched the drama in silence as the sounds began to jumble together. A spark of interest flared inside her as she watched Elijah place a hand against Jer’s back. But that wasn’t the intriguing part. The best part was when he began to run his thumb up and down Jer’s spine. Allie cocked her head while observing the small, telling gesture. What had her friend and Elijah been getting up to?
The loud curse pulled Allie from her haze, and she glanced in Eve’s direction, shocked. Allie had never known the scientist to raise her voice. Ever.
She turned to the group and glared at the lot of them. “Will you all please shut up? Some of us are trying to be productive and figure out what is killing Allie.”
Time froze. It was one thing to think you’re dying and another thing to know it.
“I’m dying?” she whispered.
Eve wilted, her anger gone as quickly as it came. She plopped down onto her rolling chair and pulled her glasses off her pixie-shaped face, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Carefully, she put her glasses on and brushed her purple bangs from her soft, lilac eyes.
“I don’t know what that thing is.” Eve swallowed, and her forehead creased in worry. “There’s something attacking your body, but I don’t…” She gritted her teeth. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” She glanced at Lev. “She needs a specialist.”
“You are the specialist,” Zune said, moving around the table to place a hand on Eve’s shoulder. “There’s no one better than you.”
Eve’s eyes filled with tears that seemed to freeze something inside Allie.
“I don’t know what to do,” Eve whispered.
“It’s not your fault,” Allie said woodenly.
Eve angrily swiped at her cheeks. “If I could just figure out what he gave you, I could fix this.”
“What do you know?” Bastian asked.
“From what I can tell, it doesn’t seem like it’s a virus. Something is definitely destroying Allie’s immune system, but it’s slow. So, we have time.”
But how much time? Did that mean she was going to die a slow death? She’d rather die quickly than suffer.
“What?” a dangerous voice said. Allie glanced at the corner as the darkness coalesced into Blade. His black eyes seemed to spit embers. “You are not going to die at all.”
She noticed as the males around her tensed as Blade glided in her direction.
“Jer,” Elijah warned, as her friend stepped closer to her side. “You need to back away.”
“I’m protecting her.”
“You’ll cause a brawl that will have everyone in this room hurt,” Elijah said softly.
Blade halted an arm’s length away and glared at the rest of the occupants in the room. “Get out.”
Two words spoken with such menace that Allie didn’t argue with him. She glanced at the others, who shot her questioning glances. Her heart warmed a little. Months ago, they’d have left her, but now they’d fight their friend and brother if she didn’t want to be left alone with him.
“I’m fine. Give us a few minutes.”
A wry smile turned her lips up as everyone practically ran out of the room. The door hissed shut, leaving just Blade and herself. Eve’s machines hummed behind her as she turned back to Blade. He glared at his black boots, his hands clenching and unclenching.
“Just give me a moment,” he said, his voice rough.
Allie really focused on him, and what she saw hurt her heart. Dark circles stained the skin beneath his eyes, and his skin was paler, causing his scar to stand out more. His black t-shirt was rumpled like he’d slept in it. All in all, he looked as bad as Allie felt.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He met her gaze, and she gasped at what she saw in his eyes. All the hardness was stripped away. All that was left was pain, worry, despair, and a hunger she didn’t completely understand. She’d done this to him. He’d tricked her, and that hurt, but she’d hurt him as well.
Her mama’s words came back to her: “Two wrongs do not make a right.”
Allie winced. One of her worst faults was holding a grudge. She tried her best to forgive and forget. Her mama said that she liked to hold her grudges close to her chest and stroke them like a cat. Her mama would’ve smacked her on the butt if she knew how Allie had treated some of the others.
She blew out a breath, hating that her mama always seemed to be right. She dropped the blanket and opened her arms. “Come here.”
Blade’s body tensed even further, his gaze darting wildly from her face to her arms like he couldn’t trust her invitation.
“Come here,” she said softly. “Please.”
“Please” was what must have done him in. In the space of a heartbeat, she went from embracing air to clutching the muscular back of a huge, warm male. Blade trembled as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and leaned in, her legs nestling on either side of his hips. Allie turned her head to the side, pressed her cheek against his shoulder, and let him hold her. He didn’t say anything and neither did she.
It was amazing what a hug could do. Hugs healed pain, provided comfort, and created the best sort of safe haven. She lifted her head as he pressed his face into her neck and hair, his fingers knotting into the baggy shirt she was wearing.
Allie stared at the huge glass windows, remembering the last time they were in this situation. The tension in her body loosened and Allie wiggled a little bit in an attempt to move her arms, earning a huff of displeasure from the territorial male. “Knock that off.”
She managed to wiggle her pinned appendages out from underneath his, then wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him close, slowly watching as his tension dissipated little by little. She ran her hands up and down his back in comforting strokes and then began to comb through his blue-black locks.
She smiled as a soft purr rumbled from Blade. No one could resist their hair being played with. She jumped a little when his cold nose touched her neck, and he nuzzled closer.
“Sorry,” he murmured.
“It’s okay. It’s just a cold nose.”
“No, about this,” he muttered, his hands tugging at her clothes. “I didn’t mean to wrap myself around you.”
“I did.”
Tension crept into his body at her statement. Allie kneaded the muscles in his neck and gently brushed his hair back as if to soothe his hackles. “I needed this hug as much as you did.�
A cold prickle ran up her spine. Chances were, she was going to die. A tear dripped down her cheek. No husband. No family.
Blade slowly pulled back to stare down into her face. “Allie?”
“It’s nothing.” Quickly, she swiped at her cheeks, emotion threatening to swallow her whole. For one moment, she wanted to forget. “Help me forget,” she whispered.
Blade jerked, his hands fisting even tighter in her shirt. “I can’t.”
Another tear dripped down her face, and he pressed his forehead to hers, breathing heavily.
“Please,” she whispered.
He groaned and pressed his lips to hers softly in a chaste, sweet kiss. More tears fell down her cheeks as she sank her fingers into his hair and kissed him harder.
“No, love,” he said between kisses. His hands slid from her back and cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. His black eyes scanned her face. “Not like this.”
Embarrassment flooded her, and she tried to push away, but he held on, never looking away. Why couldn’t he give her what she wanted? She just wanted oblivion for a few precious moments.
“Why?” she croaked. All she wanted was a few stolen kisses.
“Because I care for every part of you, and I won’t take advantage.”
“It’s not taking advantage when I’m offering it freely.”
His thumbs caressed her cheeks, catching her tears. “Listen to me, Allie. You are precious. You are not going to die. You are going to live a long happy life with pretty babies.”
A choked laugh escaped her. “Even if they’re not your babies?”
He hissed out a breath and nodded. “As long as you’re happy. That will be enough for me.”
His soft words shook her. “You shouldn’t care so much.”
“I can’t help it. You grew on me.”
“And yet, you won’t give me what I want.”
Blade caught her chin with his right hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist to pull her close. “You’re going through a lot, and I won’t presume to know your mind, but I won’t take. You deserve more, and so do I.” A dark sensual smile crossed his face that caused her brain to short-circuit. “If you still feel the same way after all of this, believe me, you will be nowhere else but my arms, mated and happy.”
Heat rushed through her as shadow of guilt nagged at her, damping some of her raging hormones. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not.” He smiled softly and hugged her close. “Thank you for giving me such a gift.”
“Gift?” she asked, her wet face sticking to his shirt.
“I’ve hurt you, and yet you cared for me. I won’t forget that.” A pause. “Will you let me care for you?”
Exhaustion pressed down on her and her eyelids threatened to shut. “Please.”
Blade lifted her chin and kissed her forehead. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”
Allie didn’t say anything as he wrapped the blanket around her and pulled her into his arms, moving toward the doors. Finally, she whispered, “I’m scared.”
He paused and glanced down at her. “I know, but you’re not alone.”
She knew. It made it easier to close her eyes and sleep.
Come at me bro
Allie wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand and then bent to retrieve the cleaning supplies from one of the cabinets beneath the bar. A wolf whistle sounded behind her and it took all she had not to lift her finger in a rude gesture. Did no one have any respect these days?
She slammed the cabinet door shut and then straightened. Her eyes narrowed as she studied all possible suspects surrounding the bar, but the culprit seemed unwilling to reveal himself. Coward. You’d think someone would have the spine to own up to his actions.
Giving up her search, she sighed and glared at the dirty countertop. Angrily, she squirted the cleaner onto the bar and proceeded to scrub it as diligently as she could, her mind bouncing in so many directions that she couldn’t focus on any one thought.
Allie scratched at her shoulder, hating her scarlet dress. She’d never noticed how itchy it was. If she could have, she’d have torn it from her body right there behind the bar. She grinned at the thought of shocking the patrons of the Scarlet Kiss. They’d probably think it was some archaic Human ritual.
Allie tossed a squished lime into the trash, gave the bar a cursory glance to make sure all the customers were satisfied, and went back to cleaning.
A prickling started between her shoulder blades, causing her to frown. That wasn’t from the itchy dress. Someone was staring at her. She peeked up under her lashes, but no one seemed to be paying her any mind. Allie shook her head as she scrubbed a particularly stubborn spot. “Of course, there’s someone watching you,” she muttered to herself. The Av Lock sector had eyes on her. She was as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof. No one can get to you. Despite her pep talk, she glanced around the bar again, noting nothing out of the ordinary. A male winked at her, his antennae seeming to wave at her. Allie rolled her eyes and ignored the come-hither look he tossed her way. He wasn’t looking for anything she could make for him.
Satisfied with the shine of the wooden top, she slid the cleaners underneath the bar before starting the prep. It had finally quieted down after a busy night, and they were running dangerously low on spirits. She sighed and savored the quiet. She’d scarcely had a moment to herself. There was something comforting about the dull roar of softly-spoken conversations, ice tinkling against glasses, and music. It almost felt like home.
Allie pulled a knife from a drawer underneath the bar and began slicing fruit into tiny wedges and intricate patterns. She might not have an artistic bone in her body, but she could at least carve pretty garnishes and mix a mean drink. Her mind drifted to the night, three days before, and a blush heated her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she’d thrown herself at Blade like that. Goodness, she’d made a fool out of herself. Thank the stars he had the forethought to turn her down, even though she felt painfully awkward around him now.
She jerked, almost slicing the tip of her finger, as a male voice hollered at her, a kissy sound following. Her teeth snapped together, her jaw clenching. It didn’t matter what race they were; males were jerks when they overindulged. They acted four ways: they were lovely with everyone, angry, maudlin, or the grand trifecta of all three. The latter were the most dangerous. You could never know how they’d react to something.
“Hey, gorgeous, come over here and make me a drink.”
So, he was one of those. Let the games begin.
Allie rolled her neck, pushed her shoulders back, and spun on her heel, a fake smile plastered across her face.
The Sarpe at the end of the bar smiled at her, flashing a little too much fang in what he probably thought was a roguish smile. She eyed him as she sashayed closer. He was similar in form to Sid, except slightly shorter, with midnight skin that shone a deep red in the soft light. Sid’s form had surprised her when she first met him, but he’d never scared her. This guy … there was something about him she didn’t like—besides his rude manners.
“What can I do for you?” she asked between gritted teeth, her tone bordering on icy. He wasn’t special. She’d dealt with his kind before.
He smiled lazily, once more flashing his sharp fangs. “Well, you could come closer, for one thing.”
A slow smile crept across her face, so sharp it could have shattered glass. Allie chuckled slowly and cocked a hip. “I don’t think that’ll be happening. You see, I’m not on the menu. Either order a drink or get out of my bar before I slap the bananas out of you.”
Her smile widened as his fell. Take that, you jerk. One point to Allie Sai.
His pupilless eyes narrowed on her as he leaned closer. “I asked you once nicely. I shouldn’t have to tell you again,” he practically hissed. “Women are meant to serve.”
Oh, hell no.
Allie jerked upright and was just about to reach over the counter and sl
ap the bananas out of him when a huge, hulking form materialized behind the troublemaking male. Elijah gave her a feral smile before grabbing a handful of the Sarpe’s shirt and yanking him from his chair.
“What the heck, man?” the Sarpe yelled.
“We don’t allow punks to harass anyone in our family,” Elijah said calmly, grabbing the alien by the scruff. “Let’s see you out. Jer?”
Jer practically skipped from her place to open the door. “Taking out the trash?” she said gleefully.
“Don’t antagonize him,” the Kitteran admonished as he pushed through the doors, towing the Sarpe along.
“I’m not,” Jer retorted, as they disappeared out the double doors.
Those two…
Allie rolled her eyes and dusted her hands off. “Good riddance,” she muttered underneath her breath.
“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” a familiar voice remarked from her right.
Allie immediately smiled and turned toward Sid. “When did you get here?”
He shrugged one shoulder and scooted into a chair at the bar, his fingers drumming on the counter.
“Feeling a little antsy?” she asked.
“Naw, but it’s been a long day.” He smiled at her. “It’s better now that I’m here with you, beautiful.”
Allie shook her head. “You’re such a flirt. Can I get you anything?”
“Sure, surprise me. I like to live dangerously.”
She barked out a laugh as she tossed her towel over her shoulder and moved toward the booze, her heels clicking on the floor. “Dangerously. I can do that.” He’d never know what hit him.
Allie pulled a glass tumbler from underneath the bar and tossed some ice cubes into it. Carefully, she crushed three bright pink berries over the ice and squirted some bubbly water into the glass. She tossed a mischievous glance in Sid’s direction and reached for a blue stir stick. The stick sizzled as it touched the liquids in the glass and dissolved, turning the mixture a vibrant violet color.
She turned and placed her specialty in front of Sid. He glanced from her to the drink.
“What is it?”