Scarlet Venom: Mixologists and Pirates Part Three Page 7
She stared down at Blade’s blue-black hair while trying to sort through her confusion. She’d done everything to avoid him in the first few weeks after his “cuddle session.” Slowly, they’d become hesitant friends. Since that moment, he’d not touched her or even implied he was interested in her, and Allie was okay with that. So why in the world was she reacting to his touch like this? It didn’t make any sense.
Her breath hitched as he cinched it one last time. He looked up at her, his eyes like twin obsidian flames. For one moment, she saw everything he locked inside of himself for her. Desire, longing, pain. Allie brushed her fingers along his cheek, and he tilted his face into her palm. She’d done this. Caused his pain.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
His emotion shuttered. “It’s not your fault.” A crooked smile. “I’m Av, you’re Human. Just because we’re physically compatible, doesn’t mean it would’ve worked. You’re not the only one I’m compatible with, but it’s harder because you’re in such close proximity.”
Her spine straightened. That wasn’t the response she expected. Apparently, their match wasn’t as special as she was led to believe. Allie pulled her hand back. “I’m sorry for it anyway.” She pasted on a smile as he stood, oddly emotional. “After tonight, you won’t have to deal with it again. We’ll both have our freedom.”
Blade studied her for a second, turned his back to her, and picked a few goodies from the pile. Feeling a little broken, Allie stared out the windows while he clipped a few jewels into her hair and clasped a necklace around her neck. She would miss this place. What had started as forced service had turned into something more. She’d made friends that she’d miss.
“Allie?” His deep voice broke through her thoughts.
She spun in his direction. “Yeah?”
Blade caught the heart-shaped pendant that hung from the long silver chain and squeezed it, revealing a needle. “All you have to do is scratch your attacker with this and they’ll be paralyzed.” He clicked it closed. “You press the red stone and it unlatches. It’s simple.”
“Simple ... right.” Nothing was simple about tonight.
He cocked his head and jerked his chin toward her hair. “Don’t touch the flowers in your hair. They have spines, too. They won’t affect you since you’re Human, but it would sting.”
Allie blinked. “You’ve outfitted me with as many spines as a porcupine.”
He blinked. “A what?”
“Porcupine,” she said slowly.
A slow smile crossed his face. “That is a curious-sounding animal indeed. Earth is an interesting place.”
“Yes, it was.” She swallowed. Past tense. Earth was now her past.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
She inhaled deeply and forced her melancholy feelings into a box she’d deal with later, along with a slew of other confusing thoughts bombarding her mind. Now was not the time to unravel. “What kind of stun gun are you going to give me?”
“Then why the holster?”
“That’s for later.”
“Okay,” she drawled, rocking back on her heels. “Is there anything else?”
Blade glanced to the side, his jaw clenching. “Just be careful, alright?”
“Will do.”
He helped her down from the table, and she squeezed his hand once before turning her back on him. For some reason, it bothered her. Everything about tonight seemed wrong. Allie shook her head. It was just the nerves. Only a few more hours and everything would be over.
Playing the Floozy
“You sure I made this?” Allie asked again, licking her lips.
The brilliant Zune and Eve had managed to use her moonshine to stabilize the truth serum they’d been working on. Not only that, but they’d added it to a lipstick. It was genius, really. The king’s protection detail would be looking for threats and weapons. They wouldn’t be worried about a petite Human girl with bright red lipstick.
Kale smiled at her, flashing white teeth in the shadowy hover. “The lipstick was my idea.”
Zune’s voice echoed in her ear. “Your moonshine did the trick. How does it taste?”
She licked her lips again. “Like chocolate.”
“And no side effects?” Lev added.
“None.” She grinned at how it felt like Lev was right next to her. Ear comms were amazing!
“Good. It shouldn’t affect you, only the king. You remember your questions?”
“Yes, Lev,” she said dutifully.
“We’ll be silent from here on out.”
“Noted,” she said.
“Good luck.”
Allie stared out the window, admiring the lights and buildings. It was the first time she’d ever been able to do that. Eve had been making her draughts to help with the anxiety and vertigo. It was truly beautiful when she wasn’t worried about dying.
“Are you ready?” Kale asked in a low voice.
She glanced back at the Kanji, who was serious for once. “I’m ready for this to be over.”
He reached across the hover and clasped one of her clammy hands. “Don’t look to me for anything, Allie. It will put you in danger. I can’t help you. I’m basically your seller in there.” His purple gaze scanned her face. “Keep your chin up.”
Fear churned in her belly. She closed her eyes as the hover slowed and pulled in one last deep breath. She could do this. For her friends.
The door opened. Kale exited the hover and held a hand out for her. Allie placed her small hand in his and slipped into character. She smiled at the Kanji and took his offered arm, cuddling close as they moved through double doors into a long hallway. Her heels clicked against the shiny floor as they moved through the dim hallway. It was supposed to seem intimate, but to her it just felt creepy. That could have been from the men in tactical uniforms hiding in the shadows, like quiet sentinels. Allie winked at one of them, heart pounding. How in the world was she supposed to get alone with the king? There were way too many guards!
Another set of doors opened for them, and she had to blink. The room was a mixture of modern and old world. Lush carpets of charcoal and black broke up the reflective silver floor. Rich red curtains adorned the windows and hung around the room, creating little nooks of privacy.
A blush touched her cheeks when she got a good look at how reflective the floor was. She could see up almost every female’s dress in the room. Allie didn’t tug at her skirt, like she wanted to, but smiled at the Kiterran that was eyeing her over his drink. Thank goodness she’d worn proper lingerie.
“Breathe, my sweet,” Kale whispered, nuzzling her neck.
She inhaled and stared up into his unique eyes. “What now?”
“We drink and wait for him to hunt you.”
Allie laughed, nerves tumbling in her belly, and placed a hand on his chest while murmuring, “You drink,” she murmured, scanning the room. “I’ll hunt.”
Kale grinned at her and then followed another half-dressed Human with his gaze. “Maybe I’ll hunt, too.”
He plucked two vials from a table and held the red one out to her with a grin. “For my lady.”
“Why thank you,” she whispered, placing the vial at her lips. She hid her surprise when it didn’t taste like anything.
“Safe,” Kale whispered. “I’m going to leave you to your own devices and meet some old friends.”
Her heart picked up, but she just smiled and dismissed him. She scanned the room and avoided looking too intently into some of the shadowy areas. One thing was for sure, she stood out like a sore thumb. She had to be the only woman not in a shiny, tight, see-through dress. What next? She didn’t want to approach any of the men. A painting to her left caught her eye.
With slow, measured steps, Allie wove through the crowd, mingling here and there. For the most part, she ignored the heated looks thrown her way and the roving hands. It was all she could do to keep the Kiterran man’s
hands from wandering to a place they didn’t belong. She barely escaped being pulled onto the dance floor by twisting away in a move Jer had taught her.
When she finally reached the painting, her cheeks hurt from keeping her smile from cracking. Stars above, this was the worst party she’d ever been to, if you could even call it that. It was more of an orgy. She scanned the room for Kale and the Kiterran man. He caught her gaze and saluted her with a vial before downing it.
Allie shuddered and faced the painting. She loved the Kiterran people, but after being hunted by that male, she saw the males in a completely new light. A strained wheeze escaped her as she focused on the painting. If she didn’t calm down, she’d lose it and that wouldn’t help anyone. Squinting at the mural of war, she began to count the various colors of red. When she’d reached twenty, her pulse had slowed, and she really took in the painting. Her gaze followed the bold slashes of black and red. It was both gruesome and intriguing. A dichotomy. She cocked her head and pursed her lips. As striking as the art was, it was a curious piece to have in an “entertaining” room.
“Do you like it?” an accented voice asked from her left.
Allie didn’t look in his direction but kept her gaze on the painting. “It’s barbaric. And dark.”
“You don’t like?” the male asked.
“I love it,” she said, finally turning to the maroon-haired Av. He smiled, revealing a dimple. Stars above, he was handsome, more handsome than any of the pictures she’d seen. Too bad he was a psychopath. “What do you think of it?”
The king cocked his head and leaned his shoulder against the wall near the painting. “I love it. That’s why it’s on my wall, but that’s not what I’ve been staring at for the last twenty minutes.” He scanned her body and her cheeks heated.
She fought not to cross her arms and raised a brow instead. “Does that line always work?”
He blinked and then barked out a laugh. “I have to say yes.”
Allie glanced away from him to the painting. “Well, there’s a first time for everything.”
“I dare say so,” he murmured. He pushed away from the wall, his suit straining across his massive shoulders. He sketched a formal bow and held his hand out. “Forgive me for being so forward. I couldn’t help myself. You were just too beautiful.”
She snorted, then slapped a hand over her mouth as his eyes widened then crinkled as he grinned at her. “I am so sorry, but that was so ridiculous,” she said.
“Maybe I was trying to make you laugh?”
“Sure thing, sugar,” she said, placing her hand in his. “I’m Allie.”
“Hello, Allie,” he rumbled, and bent to kiss the back of her hand. “I’m Sloven.” A heavy sniff and a sigh.
She fought back the chills that threatened to break out over her skin. A mass murderer was kissing her skin and sniffing her. She’d have to scrub extra hard tonight.
“You smell … incredible.”
Oh, heck no.
Carefully, she pulled back her hand and avoided his gaze, gesturing to the party. “Thank you for the invitation. Your home is beautiful, as is your art.”
Sloven cocked his head, his creepy blood-red eyes locked on her, and inhaled deeply. “No one usually notices the art.”
Allie shrugged. “I’m interested in things that others are not, and…” She glanced at the picture. “It reminds me of home.”
“You mean Earth?”
She stared at the painting. “Earth wasn’t always so peaceful. I spent a great deal of my time studying history. I find it fascinating.”
Sloven stepped closer into her space, his black jacket brushing her bare arm. “This is just one of many paintings that I own. If you’d like to see more, I’d be happy to escort you.”
This was her opening, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. She glanced into his face and then away, clashing eyes with the Kiterran man from earlier. Little did he know he was now becoming her scapegoat. “That’s sounds like something I’d like, but I have a prior engagement.” He’d practically accosted her on her way to the painting, justice would be served if he received a little rough treatment from the king’s men.
He stepped closer and lifted her hand to his lips. His eyes closed as he sniffed her once more and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Maybe later?”
“The night is still young,” she said. “Maybe.”
Her skin crawled, and she needed a spot to scrub her hands. She could still feel the king’s gaze on her. She smiled at each person she passed, and paused when she reached Kale, not surprised he was surrounded by half-dressed females. He eyed her and smiled drunkenly. “One more for me?”
Allie smiled and rolled her eyes. “I’m not for the likes of you. But do any of you fine ladies know where the restroom is?”
A ferocious-looking Kiterran woman eyed her up and down before pointing a claw-tipped finger toward a door across from the room. “That one there. One right, two lefts.”
“Thank you,” Allie said, before wandering toward the door even though she wanted to run.
The hallway was quieter; her heels made no sound as she navigated the soft, carpeted hallways. Her steps became quicker as she rounded the last corner. All of her senses were saying it was dangerous.
The door to the bathroom was wide open. Her breath whooshed out of her as she shut and locked the door behind her. Allie moved to the white stone countertop and leaned heavily against it, staring at herself in the mirror. As much as she wanted to sprint for the exit, she couldn’t leave. She had to see this through.
Glancing at her hands, she grimaced. Sloven had practically drooled all over them. She snatched the soap from the sink and scrubbed furiously. “You can do this, Allie Sai,” she whispered. Only a little longer and she’d have the monster right where she wanted him.
Allie dried her hands, straightened her dress, and squared her shoulders. Sloven wouldn’t be allowed to hurt anyone else after tonight. She unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom into the dim hallway.
Terror seized her as a hand clapped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist.
“Don’t scream,” Blade’s voice whispered against her neck. He removed his hand from her mouth and pulled her around the corner.
“Do you know what you just put me through?” Allie whispered hotly. “I thought someone was going to hurt me.”
Blade glanced both ways and pushed her closer to the wall. “It almost wasn’t me.”
Her brows furrowed. “What?”
“A Kiterran followed you. He was lying in wait outside the bathroom. If I hadn’t stepped in…” Blade’s face tightened, highlighting all the handsome angles. “He would’ve hurt you. I couldn’t bear that.” He glanced away, his jaw ticking.
She swallowed hard, knowing exactly who he was speaking about. There was something in the Kiterran male’s eyes that had raised a red flag. That was something her mama had taught her not to ignore. It was a superpower all women possessed, a protection, but only if they listened to it.
Allie threw her arms around Blade and hugged him. “Thank you,” she whispered thickly. Blade had protected her. Not because she was an asset, but because he actually cared about her.
Allie pulled back, her hands on his chest and lifted onto her toes to place a kiss on his cheek the same moment his face turned toward her. They both froze, lips locked, staring at each other.
Stars above, his lips were the softest she’d ever tasted. Allie pulled back as Blade began to tremble. “Blade?”
“There’s no going back,” he said, half to himself.
“What?” she asked, trying to move, only to have Blade’s hands tighten and run over the skin of her back. Allie tried not to shiver, her breaths coming a little faster. His hands were so warm, his calluses rough against her exposed skin. This so was not a good idea.
He swept her hair to the side, over her shoulder, and brushed his fingers down her spine. “Allie, say yes.” He leaned closer and kissed her shoulder, the rasp o
f his teeth causing her to gasp.
“I don’t think we should be doing this. Do you really think this is the best time?” she asked, glancing down the hallway. Someone could see them.
“No, but it’s the only place you might give me a chance.” He pulled back, his expression dark, considering. “Only you.”
Her breath stilled even as her heart galloped. He lowered his head slowly, their eyes meeting. Black and blue fire … eyes that could drown her if she let him. The color of them softened and melted as he leaned closer.
And then he kissed her.
So soft. So slow. Cherishing.
A quiet rumble escaped his throat before he pinned her to the wall. “Not enough,” he whispered. “Not nearly enough.”
Allie couldn’t agree more. The world faded as his mouth found hers, taking it in a rough kiss that Allie met with hunger she didn’t know she possessed. Her hands wrapped around his neck as he pressed closer to her, their tongues dueling for one precious second.
His hands clenched in her dress as he wrenched her against him. Wanting more, she slid her hands into his soft hair. There was no skill or finesse involved. Nothing like the careful kisses she’d had when she was younger. This was barely-contained hunger and longing.
His hand skimmed her arms to her shoulders and cupped her cheeks, tilting her face to him. It was intoxicating. He bit her lip, then her chin, sliding his mouth down her throat.
“Mine,” he growled. “You’re mine.”
Allie’s hands found his wrists as she sucked in a deep breath, the fingers of her right hand wrapping around the cool metal of his wrist comm. It was too much, and not nearly enough. Her brows furrowed as something clicked and there was a slight disturbance in the air followed by a short hum. She frowned and glanced down to the arm she was clutching. No.