Onyx Elixir: Mixologists and Pirates Book Five Read online
Page 7
A thump sounded from the other room, and she smiled. Jer could sneak up on just about anyone, but in the mornings, she was as quiet as a stampede of elephants. Smiling, she cracked her eyes open and bolted upright.
She definitely wasn’t in her room.
Allie pushed her hair from her face and clutched the dark grey comforter to her chest. This definitely wasn’t where she fell asleep. Another thump sounded from the other side of the door. Carefully, she slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the door, pulling the blanket with her. Cracking the huge wooden door open, she peeked into the living room. Nothing. Her breath caught as a she glimpsed Blade in the kitchen. Shirtless.
Holy bananas! He was so hot. Silvery scars crisscrossed his muscular back in slices that didn’t take away from his attractiveness but made her heart sad for him. How did he get those scars?
Blade spun, displaying more male perfection than she could handle seeing so early in the morning. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and she quietly pulled back into the room and shut the door. She twisted around and leaned against the door to take in the room. It was clearly a masculine room with deep gray and black accents, but all of these things seemed to disappear because of the massive bed that dominated the space.
“Who needs a bed that big?” she muttered as she moved closer, running her hands along the black metal footboard.
Allie jumped as the door shuddered behind her.
“Allie?” Blade deep voice called from the other side.
She cleared her throat a few times. “Yeah?” she called, her heart in her throat.
“It’s time for breakfast.”
She held her breath as he moved away from the door. Not that she could hear him. He moved like a ghost. Allie hurriedly tossed the blanket on the bed and ignored the yummy smell that wafted from the bed she wanted to roll in. A door to her right led to an enormous bathroom with a old-fashioned claw foot tub that could fit at least four people.
She groaned and eyed the tub. “If I’m going to live here for a bit, you and I have a date this week.” Her mouth popped open as she turned to the mirror. The distorter was still in place. She patted her pink hair and brushed down the wrinkled white dress she was wearing. What she wouldn’t give to have something clean or be able to see her own face. It was disconcerting to say the least.
Wandering out of the bathroom, she eyed the closet across the bedroom. Blade had to have something she could borrow. She strode to the bedroom door and popped her head out. “You mind if I borrow something? I feel disgusting in this dress.”
“Sure. Take whatever you need,” Blade’s gruff voice called from the kitchen.
She closed the door and slinked toward his closet. A smile curled her lips at all the black garments hanging in neat - pressed rows. Allie yanked a black button - up shirt from a hanger and tossed her dress on the floor before putting his on.
Dear Lord, there was the smell again.
She pulled the collar up and sniffed. How did he smell so stinking good? She froze when another thump sounded in the other room. It was time to get herself under control. How embarrassing would it be if he walked in and caught her sniffing his shirts like a total creep?
She chuckled. Well, everyone else sniffed her so it was only fair that she should be able to sniff someone every once in a while.
Allie picked up her dress off the floor and made the bed the best she could. It involved her climbing over the mattress numerous a bunch by the time she finished. She puffed out a breath as she left the room behind and followed the smell of breakfast.
“I made something simple…” Blade said as he spun around. He paused, his eyes raking up and down her body in a way that made her toes curl and a fiery blush cover her face. She tugged at the bottom of the shirt, even though it was almost to her knees. “I see you found something.”
A shiver worked through her at the rasp in his voice. “I did, thank you.” She pulled her gaze from him and forced herself to take a seat on one of the tall stools lining the breakfast bar. “This smells amazing. My mama used to make oatmeal all the time. Sometimes it held bits of apple, dried cherries, or raisins. But the best part was the brown sugar and cinnamon.” Silence met her statement. She peeked at him from beneath her lashes.
Blade swallowed and jerked the spatula toward the oatmeal bowl in front of her. “I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will. I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me. Jer burns everything she touches.”
“It’s what mates do for each other when they accept each other.”
Allie’s spoon hovered before her lips, and the oatmeal slopped over the edge and back into the bowl. “Excuse me?”
“Fake mates,” Blade said, his expression blank.
“Right,” she muttered and took a small bite. They were fake mates. All pretend. She needed to remember that. Time to change the subject. “So, what’s the plan for today?”
“We’re going to go on a date.”
She choked on the oatmeal and coughed, her eyes watering. “Sorry.”
Blade placed a glass of water before her and watched her expectantly.
Allie gulped down the water and wheezed. “Won’t that look suspicious?”
He shrugged a shoulder and seemed to stare off into space. “Not after yesterday. We had someone use your same distorted alias. We staged our first meeting yesterday.”
“First meeting? Like when you smelled me and…” she dropped off at the amused look on his face.
“Something like that.” He tossed the spatula into the sink and wiped his hands on a kitchen towel. “All that matters is that Sloven now thinks I’m no longer a threat to Allie Sai.”
The oatmeal seemed to sour in her stomach at the mention of the King. “I worry for Karma.” The King was a monster and devious.
“She’s got this. And she’s being looked after by a very capable team.”
That didn’t stop him from getting into Allie’s apartment. She forced herself to keep eating, even though she didn’t taste any of the meal. When her spoon scraped the bowl, she smiled and hopped down from the stool, padding around to the sink to rinse her dishes. “When do we leave?”
“A little later. Lev, Coal, and Virgil are coming by later and then we’ll start our day.”
“Okay.” She rolled her neck, a sick feeling rolling in her belly since the mention of the King. “Do I have time to take a shower?”
“Take as long as you like. We don’t really have to go anywhere until later. You could even go back to bed if you’d like.”
She nodded and spun, moving out of the kitchen. Pausing, she glanced over her shoulder. “Thank you for lending me your bed.”
Blade stared at her, his expression somber. “I liked seeing you in it.”
Butterflies took flight in her tummy, and she practically sprinted out of the kitchen. Blade was dangerous. Dangerous in more than one way. If she wasn’t careful, it would be so easy to lose her heart to him.
Big beds are better
Her second day as Pepper Xrir was way better.
After breakfast with Blade, she’d soaked in his incredible tub until she feared she’d turn into a mermaid. Entirely wrinkly, she’d hauled herself from her new best friend and forced her boneless self into the bedroom.
A pretty, cream dress lay on the bed along with sparkly heels that she might have screeched over. But as much as she liked the outfit, the bed was more enticing. After changing back into Blade’s shirt, she crawled under the sheets.
“I’m only going to rest for a moment.” She cuddled all the pillows she could reach and sighed. Who was she kidding? She just found her new home.
Groggily, she blinked at the darkened room and sat up. What time was it?
A knock.
“Lev needs to run something by you,” Blade murmured.
Her jaw cracked as she yawned and stretched her arms above her head
. “Just have them come in here.”
She swung her legs over the side of the bed as the four males filed into the room.
Coal smirked at her and leaned against the bed. “You made yourself pretty comfortable in my brother’s bed.”
Allie shot him a glare and huffed. “He wasn’t using it.”
Virgil chuckled, the wrinkles on his face quivering. “I wasn’t sure if we were going to have to drag you from that bed.”
She pulled the blanket up and rubbed her face against it. “It’s seriously one of the most comfy beds I’ve ever slept in.”
“It’s a good thing you like it then.”
What did Virgil mean by that? She slid out of the bed and ran her hands through her hair then asked, “What’s the plan?”
Lev stared at Blade whose expression was unreadable, as normal, before addressing her. “It’s way past dinner…” Allie smiled sheepishly. “But you’re going out for drinks at the Scarlet Kiss so Blade can show you off in front of your double.”
“Are you sure that’s wise? Sloven has spies everywhere.”
“He’ll feel less threatened if Blade seems to be otherwise occupied.”
Allie blushed and nodded. “Give me a few to get ready.”
The males wandered out and she exhaled a slow breath. She could do this. It was only drinks.
Drinks with a super attractive male who happened to want her.
It wasn’t that scary.
Her heels clicked on the floor of the Kiss as they entered, music thumping as fast and loud as her own heart. Blade’s arm wrapped around her waist and his thumb ran along her hip as he pressed a kiss into her hair.
“Take a breath,” he whispered. “Everything is fine. We’re having fun.”
“Fun, right.” She nodded and followed him to the bar.
She tried desperately not to gawk at Karma, but it was really hard. And totally creepy. Karma bantered with the customers and mixed drinks like a pro. She’d even mastered Allie’s soft southern drawl.
“Damn,” she murmured. She wanted to be Karma when she grew up. The woman had skills.
Bastian materialized in front of them with a wicked smile. “What can I get you two tonight?”
“Something special,” Blade replied.
“Is it a special occasion?” Bastian asked, his hands already at work whipping up a delicious liquid creation.
“I found my mate.”
Her boss paused and unleashed his megawatt smile. “Hey,” he called over his shoulder. “We have a newly mated pair here!”
The music changed, and thunderous cheers exploded around them, followed by hoots and hollers.
“Kiss her!”
Chants began, and Allie grinned at the madness. It reminded her a little bit of the celebration after a couple were pronounced married on earth.
She jerked as Blade sank a hand into her hair and yanked her against him. A sensual smile tipped up his lips right before his crushed Allie’s in a bruising kiss. For a moment, she stood there while he continued to kiss her like he was designed specifically to kiss her for the rest of her life.
When her body finally caught up, she ran her hands over his shoulder and speared her fingers into his blue-black hair. A growl rumbled in his chest, and he pulled her tighter against him. Their lips parted, and their teeth crashed in a kiss unlike anything she’d ever experienced.
But as soon as it started, it finished. Blade pulled back slowly and shook his head, breathing deeply as his gaze pinned her to the spot. Sound started to filter back in, and she glanced away from her Av’s piercing gaze.
Her Av? Her mouth popped open at the look on Karma’s face, well erm, her face. It was betrayal and relief. They’d done what they’d come to do.
Allie stepped back, putting a little space between their bodies and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She waved and placed her hands on her burning cheeks as the patrons of the Kiss kept cheering. Feeling overwhelmed, she leaned close to Blade’s pointed ear. “I need to go to the ladies’ room.”
He nodded and directed her toward the bathroom, his hand practically burning a hole in the back of her form-fitting cream dress. She paused outside the bathroom, her hand resting on the swinging door, and tipped her head back to stare at Blade. “That was…”
Blade lifted his scarred hand and caressed her cheek and then her bottom lip. “Everything.”
She smiled shyly and wandered into the luxurious restroom. She pushed past the powder room filled with red velvet chaise lounges and shiny black countertops into the bathrooms. Quickly, she used the restroom and then washed her hands. Her heart picked up as she stared in the mirror at the stranger she’d become. She touched her lips and her heated cheeks, trying to regain her composure after that amazing kiss.
A pretty Kanji woman entered the bathroom and flashed her a smile after she applied a dark purple lipstick. “Congrats!”
“Pardon me?”
“On the new mating.”
“Oh, thank you!”
“You’re lucky to find him. A mate doesn’t come by every day.”
The Kanji woman brushed her black hair from her face and pulled perfume from her bag. She spritzed a little on herself and Allie frowned as the room began to waver.
What in the Sam Hell?
“If you’ll excuse me,” Allie murmured, her words oddly fuzzy. She had to get out of there. Her hand touched the door as her knees gave out. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out except a pathetic whimper.
The Kanji woman smiled at her and sidled closer, her hips swaying as she knelt beside Allie. “Don’t worry, Allie Sai. You’ll be fine.”
The air quivered, and a face from Allie’s worst nightmares appeared.
His handsome face neared hers as he reached for the perfume in his bag. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you nice and safe. Sweet dreams.”
She struggled to keep her eyelids open, but it was a losing battle. The last thing she felt was Sloven’s arms slipping around her as the world went dark.
She was darn unlucky.
About the Author
If you’d like to know more about me, my books, or to connect with me online, you can visit my webpage https://www.frostkay.net/, check out my Facebook group Frost Fiends, or follow me on Bookbub to receive news about my new releases.
* * *
You’ve just read a book in the MIXOLOGISTS & PIRATES series. Other books in this series include Amber Vial, Emerald Bane, Scarlet Venom, and Cyan Toxin.
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Frost Kay
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