Cyan Toxin (Mixologists and Pirates Book 4) Read online

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  Allie swallowed around the lump in her throat as her fear surged back in full force. She glanced around the group and hid her shaking hands in her black dress that didn’t seem to cover enough of her skin. Even though she knew all these men could protect her, she still felt unsafe. Vulnerable.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” Blade whispered.

  He’d spoken softly, but the words held conviction and rang with truth. She stared at his face and nodded, believing him.

  “I’m ready,” she breathed.

  Lev, Coal, and Blade each scanned their wrist comms over the white wall, and the little square began to glow as another door appeared.

  The pounding of her heart seemed to fill her ears as she followed the group into the dark room. Unable to help herself, she turned toward the mirror and the air in her lungs froze. The monster that had haunted her dreams sat perfectly still, chained to a metal table in an enormous grey room. She gasped as his blood red eyes focused on her. The way he stared made her want to hide, but she was rooted to the spot.

  A smile curled his lips, releasing her from his spell, and she backpedaled, bumping into Sebastian. He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed, murmuring into her ear.

  “He can’t see you. He can’t get to you.”

  It didn’t feel like he couldn’t see her. It felt as if he peered right through the glass. Could she really do this? If he affected her this much here, how bad would it be when she sat in the chair across from him?

  Allie tore her gaze from the glass and clashed eyes with Blade. Her heart slowed, and a calm descended as they stared at each other. She may doubt her ability, but if she went by his expression, he had complete confidence in her. She could see it.

  She took a moment to compose herself and calmed her breathing before throwing her shoulders back. “I’m ready.”

  The floor-to-ceiling glass window wavered, and Lev held his hand out. “Would you like us to go first?”

  “No.” She’d go in first. The last thing she needed was for Sloven to think her weak. Men like him could smell it a mile away.

  Without thinking about it any longer, she strode through the wavering force field and into the drafty, grey room. Immediately, Sloven’s eyes latched on her. Allie kept her pace sedate, and didn’t slow, even though all she wanted to do was turn around and run from him.

  Her walk across the room seemed like it took hours, and her jaw clenched at how the former king seemed to drink in the sight of her. Allie paused behind the chair and stared impassively at Sloven. With some disgust, she noticed how nice he looked.

  “Aren’t you going to sit down?”

  She fought a shiver as his voice seemed to curl around her and stroke her skin. Carefully, she sat in the chair and placed her hands on the table, keeping her gaze even on the monster in front of her. He took his time as he searched her face.

  “How are you?”

  She tipped her head to the side as she studied him. That wasn’t the question she was expecting. “I’m not here to chat,” she said, proud that she kept the waver out of her voice. “I’m here as you asked.”

  “You reek of fear. Did they force you to come here?”

  The hair at the nape of her neck rose at the violence in his voice. Some of her fear burned away as anger took the forefront. “The only person who has hurt me in this room is you.”

  His hard gaze softened. “That was just a lovers’ spat. I’d never hurt you.”

  Allie barked out a laugh and held her hands up, displaying the scars. “These beg to differ.”

  She fought not to cower back as a smug smile crossed his face.

  “Those were just a little gift.” He nodded at her feather necklace and the leopard marking on her neck. “I needed to be represented as well.”

  She was on her feet and leaned into his face before she knew it, rage blinding her.


  “I’m fine,” she growled at Blade. “I’ve got this.”

  Sloven’s gaze slid over her shoulder. “He’s a little overprotective.” He gave a little sniff and glanced up into her face. “It seems he just can’t stay away from you. He was all over your skin that night.”

  She blanched but latched on to her fury. “I’m not here to talk about him.”

  “I’m sure.” He smiled and seemed to study her collarbone. “I told you you’d see me again. It seems like it’s just in time.” He glanced into her eyes. “You don’t look well. How have you been feeling?”

  “Fine,” she bit out.

  He whistled. “I don’t think so. Your face and body say differently.”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  He laughed. “That’s where you’re wrong, my dear. My cyan marks beg to differ.”

  The room wavered as his words penetrated her mind. Her hand crept to the cyan marks that had grown and crept across her skin like unwanted vines. “What do you know of them?” she whispered.

  “I’ll only tell you if you’re nice.”

  Her smile was brittle. “Don’t you know? I’m Southern. I’m always polite.”

  He leaned closer as if to tell her a secret. “You’re not the only one with plans or poisons.”

  “What?” Poison? Her mind scrambled as she thought about the night. There was no way he could’ve poisoned her. She’d watched him make her drink.

  “Kisses can be deceptive things.”

  Kisses. She stared at him as the room began to spin. He’d used his as a weapon just as she had. “Why?”

  “Protection is important when you’re in my line of business.”

  “You mean murdering.”

  “Semantics.” He bounced his eyebrows. “Come closer.”

  She gritted her teeth and did as he bid. Allie hid her cringe as he inhaled deeply and whispered in her ear.

  “I’m not a patient man. You’ll die in mere weeks if you don’t get the elixir soon, one I happen to have on hand.”

  Allie jerked back. “I don’t need your help.”

  His rumble of laughter set her teeth on edge. “Oh, Allie. I’m the only one who can help you.”

  “What do you want in exchange?”

  “I want many things, but what I need is a spy.”


  His expression darkened. “If you don’t accept, you won’t be the only one who dies. It wasn’t just a poison, but a virus that will kill everyone you’ve ever been in contact with.”

  “No,” she breathed.

  He smiled at her. “Tick tock.”

  * * *

  To be continued in Onyx Elixir…

  About the Author

  If you’d like to know more about me, my books, or to connect with me online, you can visit my webpage, check out my Facebook group Frost Fiends, or follow me on Bookbub to receive news about my new releases.

  * * *

  You’ve just read a book in the MIXOLOGISTS & PIRATES series. Other books in this series include Amber Vial, Emerald Bane, and Scarlet Venom.

  If you love POST APOCALYPTIC, THE HUNGER GAMES, SECONDBORN, and SHIFTERS, check out my DOMINION OF ASH series! (More info on the next page!)

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  Happy reading,

  Frost Kay

  Janice Anderson warned those who would listen that their bio weaponry was too unpredictable. No one had absolute control over a virus. If they thought they did, well... they were stupid.

  Plans failed, colleagues died, and those that survived mutated into something other. No one knew what was worse, the virus or the monsters it created. YOUR FREE BOOK—>

  Also by Frost Kay


  Rebel’s Blade

  Crown’s Shield

  Siren’s Lure

  Enemy’s Queen

  King’s Warrior

  * * *


  The Strain

  The Tainted

  * * *


  Amber Vial

  Emerald Bane

  Scarlet Venom

  Cyan Toxin

  Onyx Elixir